Wednesday, August 06, 2008


THAT SONG HAS been stuck in my head since Debbie showed a video of her funny daughter Rachel talking about nothing but bananas and which also reminds me to watch (again) Audrey Hepburn's movie SABRINA this weekend.

Yesterday while at work, I was craving so bad for some crunchy deep fried TURON with coconut-pineapple ice cream. Yeah, don't be silly, I'm not pregnant!

This Filipino dessert is FOR YOU EYES ONLY cause I'm not expecting you to make this with me. Not for the faint of heart...too much work but it's really worth it! Armed with two plantains, spring roll wrappers and a can of jackfruit and I was frying! I just learned that jackfruit is the largest fruit in the whole world! Click HERE to see it for yourself!

"Sweet, delicious tropical treat"... Joey's words.
And my words..."life is good"!

Well, a little bit off topic here... does anybody know if strikeouts (words with line across) work for BLOGGER? Please let me know. Happy Wednesday everyone!

UPDATED: Thanks for the code, Meg! You're so brilliant!


Meg said...

I'm not for sure but I think in html protion of the postblog you can use <.strike> and <./strike>(take out the periods)

Thats so weird that you want to watch Sabrina! I was just thinking that I need to watch that the other day!

Stephanie said...

Mmmmmm....Yummmmmy! Can I have some? They must be low calorie too...right? lol

Wish I could make things like that!

Take Care,


black eyed susans kitchen said...

That looks delish! I might have to look for a step by step recipe. Susan

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Wow! Rachel inspired this?? YUMMY! That is one beautiful looking treat (and those dishes are gorgeous too). I shall be going to see that enormous JACK fruit just as soon as I am done here. : ) XOXO ...

p.s. If you learn about the strikeouts could you pass along the info?

Judy said...

That looks wonderful. What time are supposed to come over for dessert? I've never heard of jackfruit before. Looks very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that looks good!

Chris said...

Connie! I am just having my first cup of coffee, AND NOW I want a big plate of "crunchy deep fried TORON with coconut pineapple ice cream"! I love fried plantains, never tried jackfruit.

I would brave the recipe, because I know the results would be worth it.


Anonymous said...

Looks delectable! Wish you could come cook up some stuff at my house! I'd make us a nice cup of Starbucks coffee and we'd sit down and have a chat.

Nance said...

Hello there Connie,
I saw your name/pic at someone else's blog on Thankful Thursday where I'm one of the participants. Visit me when you have a chance, will you? I'm also from pinas. you can find me here

Your turon looks yummy!

Eve said...

That looks so good. I love sweets, thats why I am always on my bike. LOL

Sabrina, the older version is so much better. I didn't care the new one. Audrey Hepburn has so much class.

zabrina said...

Hi Connie, thanks so much for visiting!!!
You have beautiful images on your blog!!! Yummmy ones too!!! I am salivating now!!!