Sunday, July 13, 2008


AND THE WINNER is...#5 and that would be you "FANCYHORSE"... selected @ random. Please e-mail me your complete address and the goodies will be on your way. I hope you'll enjoy the rasberry teas as much as I do. Thanks to everyone who left a comment.

o O o

My very good friend and fellow blogger DEB @ Wisteria and Roses just tagged me. She's also new to the blogging world and if you have a chance... stop by over @ her new place to say "hello".

This is kind of hard for me for I am still getting to know myself ^_^ and I'm also going through the most difficult time in my life. So, ready or not (to myself)... here are a few facts and tidbits of and more about me...

I AM Filipino, I'm 40 years old and my full legal name is MARIA CONCEPCION ARABEJO BRENNAN. I don't answer to MARIA but I do love the sound of it on my blog name.
I THINK of my whole family in the Philippines and my sister Helen in Japan all the time.
I KNOW how to speak 3 languages: Filipino, English and Spanish. I gave up on learning Japanese! I have too much on my plate already!
I HAVE a BS degree in Elementary Education and taught elementary Art and Spanish in RI for a while. I failed 2x on the teaching exams. I'm not a dumb-dumb! Just had a couple of bad luck or just need to study harder :(
I WISH that there's a magic cure for cancer (or for any diseases). My BF Joe was diagnosed with esophageal cancer this past December and thankfully he's able to eat again.
I HATE snakes!
I MISS authentic Filipino food.
I FEAR (I cannot express it @ this moment...)
I FEEL blessed everyday...
I HEAR my BF snoring and it makes me smile... (he doesn't sleep too well).
I SMELL the neighbor grilling something delicious which turned out to be chicken kabobs and they gladly shared some with us (Thanks, Dave & Ali).
I CRAVE nothing else but fresh coconuts ..sigh...
I SEARCH all the time for wisdom and strength.
I WONDER what my mother is cooking right now. I should give her a call.
I REGRET...too many to count...but wasted precious time is number one on the list.
I LOVE soy sauce a lot!
I ACHE (I can skip this one)...
I AM NOT a huge fan of chocolates. So, don't give me any for Christmas unless they're loaded with nuts...
I BELIEVE in the power of prayer... always.
I DANCE all the pump up the volume.
I SING if you hand me the microphone...(with karaoke only)
I CRY easily...
I DON'T ALWAYS pay attention to the news...
I FIGHT not to cry while doing this post!
I WRITE ONLY when I blog...
I WIN if I play harder...
I NEVER smoke nor learned how to swim considering I came from a country surrounded by over 1,700 islands.
I ALWAYS wanted to be an architect.
I LISTEN NOT too well.
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND (if time permits) power napping or crafting or gardening...I could just go on and on...
I AM SCARED (skip this one)
I NEED more confidence...I tend to sell myself short.
I AM HAPPY ABOUT anything... it doesn't take much to make me happy...
I IMAGINE of a world without hunger and pain...

Now that I have fulfilled my bloggy duty I am going to tag ONLY 2 friends: Nancy @ FancyHorse and Cielo @ The House in the Roses.


Debbie in CA : ) said...

Oh Connie, dear Connie ... simply precious. I'm dabbing tears here and there (more from what you skipped than what you shared). I believe this was out of your comfort zone, but so special for those of us getting to know you better. I, too, believe in prayer and you and Mr. BF are simply bathed in it around here. : ) Thanks for being such a good sport -- it was a wonderful close to my day (being 3 hours behind you) to read all about you -- so sweet! XO ...

Anonymous said...

Connnie, I happened on to your post through your comment on pink Sat. I am so glad I did. Your tag answers are wonderful and I feel like I almost know you. This is one tag I haven't seen before. Wow, it is long, you are a good sport.

Thanks for visiting my pink Sat. post. I will visit again soon.


Margie said...

Oh Connie, I didn't know you had just been tagged, and I tagged you again, but it's a different one! I hope you don't mind! I don't know too many people yet, but I liked the comment you left me on Pink Saturday, so I chose you!

You gave great answers on this tag, and I also believe in the power of prayer!

- Margie

Anonymous said...

Connie, I am so glad I popped in for a visit on the day you respond to a tag. I enjoyed learning more about you.

I am so sorry about your bf. I know we aren't supposed to hate, but I hate cancer. I pray that he receives the best care, and that a cure will be eminent. My prayers will be with you both.

I love fresh coconuts, too. We had lots of coconut palms in South Florida, and I miss seeing them.

FancyHorse said...

Thanks for tagging me - I will be giving this a lot of thought before I post it, but I will post it!

Yours, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Connie, I tagged you for a different meme. I should have realized you just did a tag of all tags. Smile. Do not feel obligated to do this tag. I do not mind at all. :)


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Connie ~ so glad you stopped by my blog. It is very nice to meet you. Looking forward to getting to know you better thru the blog!

Angelic Accents

CIELO said...

Good evening Connie, I always love to visit Casa Maria, I find so much beauty here! That package is gorgeous; I only wish I could make pretty gift like that.... I'm terrible at wrapping... :)

Have a lovely weekend, sweet friend



FancyHorse said...

I haven't forgotten - I'm still working on the meme. I'll try to finish it and post it tonight.


PS I know there's no pressure, but I feel I should go ahead and finish it. :-)

FancyHorse said...

It's done!

trish said...

I just have to say ... I LOVE lumpia and panset (hope I spelled them correctly). I had the kindest neighbor who was from the Phillipines and she would cook both of those items during times of celebration. We were right next door and I could smell how wonderful it was! She was so gracious to me ... she always shared those delicious meals! How I miss her.
Your blog is lovely.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne